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Simon Leaders Visiting China: Helping Simon China's High Speed Sustainable Development

On June 27th, a delegation led by Mr. Sergio Vives, Chairman of the Simon Group, arrived in Shanghai to visit China, benchmarking the first round of visits to China since the COVID-19 pandemic. The group leaders in the delegation this time also included Mr. Esteban Bretcha (President of the Simon Group), Mr. Nicolas de Trincheria, Mr. Ricard Aubert, Mr. Rafael Serra (Member of Simon's Board of Directors), and Mr. Albert Pérez (Group Operations Director).

Mr. Zhu Jianguo, Simon AP President and Simon China Chairman, Mr. Zhang Renyu, Simon China General Manager, Mr. Huang Haijun, Vice General Manager, and Mr. Jiao Long, Mr. Xiao Ming and Ms. Ling Yun (Simon AP Vice Presidents) accompanied.

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On the day of arrival, Mr. Sergio Vives and his team visited the office premises located on the floors 5 and 8, Hongqiao Business Center in Shanghai, China and then listened to the work report of the Company's BUs.

On June 28th, the group leaders, accompanied by the leaders of Simon China, visited Nantong market, visiting the Company's key smart projects and amiably communicating with the suppliers.


On the afternoon of June 28th, the leaders of the Simon Group were warmly received by and communicated with Wu Xinming (Secretary of Nantong Municipal Party Committee), Yu Lizhong (Secretary of Haian Municipal Party Committee), and Tan Zhen (Mayor of Nantong Government) at Zhongyang Goldnugget Hotel - Haian.


Mr. Wu welcomed the visits of the senior executives from the Simon Group and introduced the strong momentum and potential of the future economic development in Nantong. He expressed his willingness to continue sharing opportunities with the Simon Group, working hand in hand, exploring new cooperation areas and promoting the landing and implementation of more high-quality projects in the future. Mr. Vives, Chairman of the Simon Group, expressed his gratitude to the leaders of Nantong and Haian for their long-term concern and support to the development of Simon Electric. He further expressed that the Simon Group attached great importance to the developments in Nantong and in China and would actively integrate into the overall development of China in the future, in order to achieve a higher level of win-win situations.


On June 29th, the group leaders visited the exhibition hall and manufacturing workshop of the Dream Works.



This travel was the first visit to China by the Simon Group leaders after the COVID-19 pandemic. During the visit, they fully affirmed the operations and achievements of Simon China and expressed their confidence in the recovery and development of the Chinese market. The Chinese market is one of Simon Group's most important markets and Simon China is one of the Simon Group's best teams. In addition, as the core R&D base and manufacturing base of the Group, the Group will strengthen its determination to invest in the Chinese market and help Simon China achieve the high-speed sustainable development.

