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Moving within Reach | Simon Shows in the Design Shanghai 2023 with Its New Works

From June 8th to 11th, at the Design Shanghai 2023 site, Simon showed at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition Hall with its new works and classic award-winning works of multiple categories. As lighting oriented and touch as the signal, Simon embarked on a unique and moving journey with all visitors.


Simon's booth was designed by following the simple and grand black, white and blue outlook, and attracting attention with dazzling lighting and color. The interior was created with spatial details, showcasing Simon's "Moving within Reach” concept through a multi-faceted layout that is on the scene, set and function basis.


At this Design Shanghai site, Simon presented over ten classic products in three categories: switches, lighting and smart, including Retro S20, Premium V8, Flat i7 Smart, Single-live M6 Smart, Smart Central Control Screen HomePad Mini, and the classic award-winning architectural art lighting FLUVIA series. In addition, Simon also launched two major heavyweight products - M7 full-scene ultra-thin switch series and ProtoPixel interactive lighting control platform, further presenting Simon's latest understanding and design results in the spatial smart interaction field.


As one of Simon's firstly launched products at this event, the M7 full-scene ultra-thin switch series are the core online celebrity check-in location at Simon's booth. Not only are there demonstrations of household scene functional areas such as mini bedrooms and kitchens, etc., but there is also a whole trendy mosaic styled switch wall. The M7 switches in different colors and materials are arranged in an alternative way, with strong visual impacts, making us unconsciously approach, feel, and experience.


And another heavyweight product is the ProtoPixel interactive lighting control platform, which is known as the "Future Lighting". Simon delicately designed it at the most intuitive reception desk and access channel of the booth, enabling visitors to perceive and receive the immersive interactive lighting sense from ProtoPixel through the demonstration of dynamic effects such as different music and gestures, etc., feeling the "scene from lighting", and feeling the unique lighting charm of Simon booth.


In addition to these two major products, Simon also brought a rich and powerful range of functional professional lighting products, attracting many designers to stay and learn about them.


The collision with the Design Shanghai 2023 represents Simon's latest interpretation in the fields of smart interaction, optical design and spatial aesthetics. Simon not only focuses on technological innovation of products, but also explores more possibilities in the spatial design field. During the four-day exhibition period, Simon's booth always maintained a high popularity and immersive experience space, perfectly demonstrating Simon's exhibition philosophy of "Moving within Reach", allowing the space to be perceived and making the space to perceive us.

