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"Simon Cup" Tee-off Match and Chinese Designer Golf Club Dalian Stop Competition Successfully Finished

Recently, the "Simon Cup" Tee-off Match and Chinese Designer Golf Club Dalian Stop Competition successfully finished, which brought together many well-known designers from China. Simon Electric, as the sponsor, witnessed the exciting competition all the way.


The Chinese Designer Golf Club, officially established in 2016, strengthens communication and exchange among designers from the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong through golf competitions, focusing on advocating enjoyment for a better life and spreading the charity concept. Since its establishment, the club teams have increased from 6 to 24 and developed hundreds of designer members.

In this event, Mr. Zhang Renyu, General Manager of Simon China and Xiao Ming, Vice President of Simon AP & Director of the Information Finance Center, representing Simon Electric, attended the event and approached and shared the event with the designers present and further transmitted Simon Electric's corporate philosophy of emphasizing design and advocacy for a better life and jointly explored the occasion to integrate more enjoyment spirit into the product innovation, thus achieving a higher level of brand value output.


At the site, everyone was enthusiastic. Zhang Renyu, General Manager of Simon China, Xiao Ming, Vice President of Simon AP and Director of the Information Finance Center, Zhu Yinghua, General Manager of Dalian Hengxin Smart Technology Co., Ltd., Guan Xin, Chairman of the Dalian Team of the Chinese Designer Golf Club and Tan Biao, Team Leader of the Dalian Team of the Chinese Designer Golf Club, led the tee off. A total of 24 participants were divided into 6 groups and engaged in fierce competition.

Exciting Moments

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Simon Electric was prepared to supply "energy packs" for the competition

The competition ultimately had 8 individual awards. Simon Electric also received high recognition from the Club and was granted the "Lifetime Honorary Member of the Chinese Golf Club" award.



Gross Champion: Wang Jiang

Gross Runner up: Dong Jian

Gross Third Place: Sang Lin

Presenter: Zhang Renyu, General Manager of Simon China


Net Champion: Tan Biao

Net Runner up: Fu Zhiliang

Net Third Place: Ning Baoyu

Presenter: Xiao Ming, Vice President of Simon AP and Director of the Information Finance Center


Longest Drive: Liu Bei

Nearest the Pin: Guan Xin

Presenter: Sang Lin, Vice President of the Dalian Team of the Chinese Golf Club


Simon Electric was granted the "Lifetime Honorary Member of the Chinese Golf Club” award

During the breaks, the participating designers jointly visited and experienced the Simon Lighting Smart Space Experience Hall located at the May 1st Big World Home Square in Dalian. Zhu Yinghua, General Manager of Dalian Hengxin Smart Technology Co., Ltd., and Zhao Jiajun, Manager of the Promotion and Planning Department of Simon China Lighting Appliance Division, led us on an extraordinary lighting journey of searching for dreams, deeply experiencing the extraordinary spatial experience of Simon Electric’s lighting atmosphere.


